Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday Sermon, Plus Stuff

"Have You Forsaken Me?" -- Mark 15.

Premise: Jesus sang the first line of His generation's "Just As I Am" on the cross.

Tonight we have Trunk or Treat and a sermon about Josiah.

And to answer a question Lenny asked in Bible class this morning, I only have the minimum five lessons to teach this week. Six is closer to average, as some weeks I have as many as nine.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sermon Up, Plus a Couple of Other Things

This morning's sermon is up. "Honor Your Father and Mother", from John 19:23-25. It's about maintaining the balance between achieving our major goals and meeting our more mundane responsibilities.

I counted 58 at church this morning. That's two weeks in a row where we've broken 55, after a long run of struggling to hit 50. I'd like to see us keep the consumer base this high, but what I'd like more is to see the growth in our investor base we'll need to support the consumers long-term.

To that end, I'm putting together a program I'm calling "E-Vangelism." (The name's not original with me, but the domain name isn't registered, so maybe I can claim it.) The idea is for Pleasant Grove to use the fact that our preacher is a dork to our advantage. The premise is that everybody is open to an invitation to church at some point in their lives. But knowing when that point is can be tricky. So instead of trying to be at the right place at the right time, through the Internet we can be in the right place ALL the time.

The idea is to get permission to enter into a conversation with somebody. Then every so often, we'll send them a message. Maybe a Twitter post about an event, a Facebook ad, or even an e-mail a couple of times a month. We can also provide information on topics of interest and/or significance on a website. Then, when their lives change in a way that makes them aware of a deeper need for God, we're there to help.

This way, even if a person isn't open to the gospel now, they'll know who to turn to when they are. And we'll be ready, because we'll have been in conversation with them over time.

I'll be working on this over the next two months, with a formal launch planned for January. In the mean time, if you even the least bit dorky, I'd welcome any input on the development process.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sermon Upload Complete

Sunday's sermon is up. Finally.

"For They Know Not What They Do" -- on why it's a good thing the justice of God isn't an "equal and opposite reaction" to our sinfulness.

Or something like that. I hope.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Welcome to 2010, People

After two days in NerdVana, there are a bunch of new technologies we're going to start using -- primarily for outreach and information spreading.

Don't worry, nothing snazzy and expensive in the auditorium. Hopefully, the only detectable change in our worship services and Bible classes will be that there are a bunch more people attending them.

For starters, you can get occasional reminders, news, and such sent to your phone as a text message. To subscribe, send a message reading "Follow PleasantGroveKY" to 40404.

As I learn how to use some of the other stuff, I'll keep you updated.

ETA: Remember that Pleasant Grove also has a Facebook Group page, if you're into that sort of thing.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

News & Notes

I'll will be out of town for two days this week. The Ministry Geek PowWow in Spring Hill, TN will talk about ways to use technology to advance the cause of Christ. I'll be there Monday and Tuesday and be back in the office Wednesday morning.

The Todd County Christian magazine will go out late this week or early next week. Watch your mailboxes.

This morning's sermon is up. 10-10-10 (w00t! for the date!) "Don't Cry for Me."

This month's youth devotional will be at the Trenton Gym, either on a Friday or Saturday. when we have a date secured, we'll let you know.

Friday, October 8, 2010

The Myth of Personal Sprirutality

Some more supporting arguments for my contention that what is commonly called "personal spirituality" is really neither:

Steve Higgenbotham, "What is Spiritual"

Sunday, October 3, 2010

So I ran a little long today . . .

The file hosting service we use has a 25-minute limit on file size. Not good for podcasts, but good for sermons.

Unless, of course, the preacher runs 27 talking about raising kids to be faithful Christians. I hope it was worth it.

Here is the link: 10-03-10 Simon of Cyrene.